Quickly Transition Your Team To Remote

Our configurable solutions can be rapidly implemented to equip your workers with the tools they need to process transactions and manage vendors from any location.



Change Management in Automation

March 1, 2024

A major factor in successful back-office automation initiatives Change management is crucial in the context of back-office automation for several reasons: Employee buy-in: Implementing automation often requires changes in processes, tools, and sometimes even roles. Without proper change management, employees may resist these changes due to fear of job loss, unfamiliarity with new systems, or […]

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Collaboration: Procurement & Finance

July 21, 2023

Common goals = big payoffs. Collaboration between procurement and finance is a key element to improving efficiency and profitability in your organization. Here are some ways they can work together: In summary, collaboration between procurement and finance is essential to improving efficiency and profitability. By working together on cost analysis, supplier management, TCO analysis, cash […]

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Vendor Portals Drive Vendor Management

Why your organization needs vendor portals Vendor portals (supplier portals) can be a powerful tool in enabling a vendor self-service based vendor management program in your organization. The functionality can provide tremendous benefits to your procurement and purchasing operations as well the finance and accounts payable departments.  By leveraging the flexibility of a supplier portal, […]

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Vendor Management – Now More than Ever!

Why Vendor Management is Important Vendor management has been getting increased exposure among large businesses lately. Some of that can be attributed to the times we are in and the increased focus on those critical suppliers and vendors in your supply chain. Now more than ever it is critical to manage key vendors by insuring […]

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Make Vendor Self-Service Work for You

Do more with less. Portal-based solutions that deliver sensational value and reduce risk. Vendor self-service is a very popular trend in procurement, accounts payable and finance because of the tremendous value it delivers. This trend has become even more pronounced as many workers have shifted to remote operations and companies struggle to fill open positions. […]

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Supplier Management System

Obtaining and sharing critical supplier information between different functional areas in an organization can be a very frustrating task, particularly between the procurement and finance operations.  Siloed organizational structures, disparate systems that don’t communicate with each other, corporate culture, and differing business objectives are factors that contribute to this situation. These differences impact not only the […]

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