Quickly Transition Your Team To Remote

Our configurable solutions can be rapidly implemented to equip your workers with the tools they need to process transactions and manage vendors from any location.



Data Capture – So Many Options!

Advances in technology continue to expand the possibilities for data capture, making it increasingly important in the modern data-driven world. The most important aspect of taking advantage of the right set of data capture technologies is to have a thorough understanding of the data, your vendors, your companies requirements, and the financial contribution you expect.

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Benefits of Dynamic Discounting

A win for buyer and supplier in a high-interest rate environment In today’s fast-paced and high interest rate environment, maintaining strong supplier relationships is essential. One way to achieve this while also maximizing savings is by offering suppliers a dynamic discounting program. This financial strategy becomes even more compelling in a high-interest rate environment where […]

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How to Transform Your Financial Back-Office

Remember that transforming the financial back office into a profit center requires a well thought out strategic approach, alignment with organizational goals, and ongoing efforts to innovate and adapt to changing market conditions.  Start a discussion with ICG Consulting about your back-office goals or request a demonstration of ICG’s back-office automation solutions that can help you to transform your financial back-office. 

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Collaboration: Procurement & Finance

July 21, 2023

Common goals = big payoffs. Collaboration between procurement and finance is a key element to improving efficiency and profitability in your organization. Here are some ways they can work together: In summary, collaboration between procurement and finance is essential to improving efficiency and profitability. By working together on cost analysis, supplier management, TCO analysis, cash […]

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Vendor Portals – Many Uses, Big Value

A variety of functions depending on industry & vendor management process A vendor portal typically serves as a central platform for vendors or suppliers to communicate, collaborate, and transact with a company or organization. The specific features and functions can vary depending on the organization’s needs and the vendor management process. Here are some common […]

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Automate Your Vendor Onboarding Process

Save money while accruing more great benefits! Automating the vendor onboarding process can provide a number of benefits in addition to significant cost savings for businesses. Below we discuss a number of the benefits of implementing a cloud-hosted, automated suppler onboarding portal: Let’s start the discussion by addressing the most obvious, and possibly most important, […]

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AI Assisted Back-Office Applications

Where to leverage artificial intelligence AI-assisted applications can greatly drive financial back-office automation by streamlining processes, reducing manual effort, and increasing accuracy. Here are a few AI-powered applications that can be utilized in financial back-office automation: It’s important to note that while AI-assisted applications can automate several aspects of financial back-office operations, human oversight and […]

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