While finance and treasury departments are arming themselves with tools and processes to help monitor and conserve cash in these uncertain times, Accounts Payable can play a prominent role in this process as well.
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…while these systems provide lots of value they also leave behind gaps of functionality that may seem small but none-the-less can have significant downstream impact.
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How to procurement and finance complement each other? For many organizations obtaining and sharing critical supplier information between different functional areas can be a frustrating task. Siloed organizational structures, disparate systems that don’t communicate with each other and differing business objective are factors that contribute to this situation. In fact, other key areas that have […]
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Single-tenancy can provide some of the benefits of a private cloud and public cloud. The infrastructure is still maintained by the cloud service provider and the application by the solution provider, but the major difference is the application is designed for your company, to meet the needs of your individual process.
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Push non-value add tasks back to your vendors Vendor self-service is hardly a new concept, it has been gaining traction steadily, especially with larger companies. Using the many procure-to-pay tools and systems available, companies can reduce costs by delegating non-value add tasks to their vendors. Vendor self-service is a tool that applies to almost every […]
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As we are all coping with the new realities the COVID19 pandemic has created we also must start to look towards the future. While we are certainly going to enter a recession, the depth and length of such a downturn to our economy is unknown. What is known is that as we come out of […]
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ICG Consulting has a suite of solutions that can be implemented rapidly that provides organizations the ability to equip remote workers with tools to process transactions and manage vendors from their home offices.
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ICG Consulting, a business process solutions leader in streamlining vendor and customer transactions and interactions through the development of full featured and highly configurable business process automation tools
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What choices do you have for vendor portal technology? A vendor portal (or supplier portal) refers to a portal that allows vendors to access and provide the buying company with necessary information in the form of documents or data as well as access documents and data provided by the buying company related to the transactions […]
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a mistake many companies make is that they become too focused on OCR as an end all tool and as a result ultimately end up frustrated that they are not seeing the efficiencies and economies that were promised
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